
About ODIN

TBu, Hoy - Photo by Rebecca Marrhe idea of an Orkney-based group active in preserving, recording and promoting Orkney’s defence heritage came from Julie Gibson, Orkney’s County Archaeologist, and at a well-attended public meeting in March 2009 the Orkney Defence Interest Network came into being.

ODIN is concerned that Orkney’s defence heritage is not yet fully appreciated, nor understood, so that sites are being destroyed by development etc without real regard to their heritage value, both local and national, being destroyed by coastal erosion and climate attack and under threat because the importance of wartime memorabilia and memories isn’t always fully appreciated.

Balfour, South Ronaldsay - Photo by Rebecca MarrOrkney’s defence heritage attracts many visitors to Orkney and that heritage needs to be well preserved, presented and made accessible physically and interpretatively. It is of national significance and has the power to draw increasing numbers of visitors to Orkney.

ODIN seeks to bring together individuals and organisations who are interested in Orkney’s defence heritage and its aims and objectives are

1. Identify all relevant interest groups and establish an overall communication plan that will drive forward the common objective of protecting and promoting Orkney’s wartime archaeology and social history.

2. Ensure the recording of Orkney’s defence heritage by all means e.g. oral, written, film and photographic, electronic, archaeological and safely store and maintain that record.

3. Following categorisation of sites, produce a plan for the establishment of a Wartime Trail that will interpret the role of Orkney in both World Wars.

Graemsay -  Photo by Rebecca Marr4. Identify and assist establishment of local groups for particular areas of interest to ODIN participants (eg airfields) and help integrate these with others.

5. Promote interest in, and awareness of, Orkney’s defence heritage amongst all sections of the Orkney community including schools.

6. To assist in the identification of potential funding streams for the preservation and/or restoration of wartime sites.


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