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Rerwick Battery
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TOPIC: Rerwick Battery

Rerwick Battery 12 years, 1 month ago #62

This might be a query someone can answer.

Yesterday at the Vintage Rally, a couple approached the ODIN table and asked if I could solve a riddle. They had been to Rerwick Battery and noticed that the pedestal mountings for the 6-inch guns included compass bearings marked around the holdfasts.

Apaprently, the compass bearings were differently aligned in the two emplacements, and seemed to bear little relation to each other or 'real' bearings, grid or magnetic.

Any thoughts?

I uploaded some Rerwick photos a while back and there is one of one emp. showing the ring but does not help much.

I will go and have a look sometime to follow this up but if anyone can suggest a sensible answer to this one it would be good!

And I hope the folk I was speaking to yesterday have found this. Good to meet you and hope you can get involved with ODIN in some way.

Last Edit: 12 years, 1 month ago by Andrew Hollinrake.

Re: Rerwick Battery 9 years, 11 months ago #63

Further to this enquiry, there was a recent visit by members of the Fortress Study Group to Rerwick. They observed that the graduated rings were a later addition. This is visible in the photo to which I posted a link in previous post.
How much later is not known - may have been immediately after main concrete, and not sure of significance.
Thoughts, anyone?
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